East Asia: Facts and Analytics 2019/1 A new issue of the «East Asia: Facts and Analytics» has been released: 2019, No.1 CONTENTS Welcoming greeting of the Chief Editor Tatiana Gorchakova 6 Zhebin A.Z. Korea: denuclearization in exchange for normalization? DOI: 10.24411/2686-7702-2019-10001 7 Burova E.S. The tendencies of Cambodian tourism development DOI: 10.24411/2686-7702-2019-10002 15 Kazakov O.I. The attitude of the Japanese to other countries and the Russians to Japan in 2018 DOI: 10.24411/2686-7702-2019-10003 24 Vakilova V.R. China-Russia cooperation in Central Asia: partners or competitors? DOI: 10.24411/2686-7702-2019-10004 37 Donchenko A.I. The influence of Taoist philosophy on the art of Chinese calligraphy DOI: 10.24411/2686-7702-2019-10005 47 Malysheva A.V. The main stages of the study of parts of the speech of the Chinese language in Western linguistics DOI: 10.24411/2686-7702-2019-10006 56 Grunina O.N. Reflections on the usefulness of poetic translation (early classical Japanese poetry in Russian) DOI: 10.24411/2686-7702-2019-10007 71 New books 78 The Issue 89 Publication Date: 4 October 2019 Post Views: 6,891